KCA Membership Benefits and Services:CE/EILA - conference, webinars, chapter and division trainings are ALL approved by KY LPC Board. CE and EILA are offered for each training and can count for NBCC credit unless otherwise indicated. Annual Conference - nationally recognized speakers, top speakers in Kentucky, professional networking, opportunity to connect with exhibitorsUpdates – frequent updates on the Website and through Member email, quarterly eNewsAdvocacy – Keeping Counselors in the know and protecting clients and promoting the profession by advocating public policy and legislation at the state and national level. This allows a collective voice to ensure the privileges of licesure are protected. It is through advocacy that Kentucky became the 9th state to adopt the Counseling Compact and was instrumental in having Congress add Counselors to list of providers who can accept Medicare. Scholarships –for a Master's level student counselor or grad student at each of the participating universities with counselor education programsLeadership/Mentoring – KCA offers the Braden/Brahim Leadership (MLA) and Counselors of Color (COC) programs. This is a comprehensive, project-based, year long program to prepare mentees to engage in leadership roles within KCA including, Chapters, Divisions, Committees, and KCA Executive Board. Opportunity to present - Professional Counselors are encouraged to submit proposals for breakout sessions at KCA's annual conference. Graduate students may also present with a university instructor as primary presenter or may submit a proposal for poster session. Awards - KCA presents many awards at the annual conference for professional counselors both clinical and school as well as top graduate student.Collegiality - KCA is a home for all Counselors - Clinical and School. We also welcome Social Workers. In fact, Social Work continuing education is automatically approved for all trainings KCA offers through 201 KAR 23.075 Ethics Support - KCA members may utilize a member of the Ethics Committee to talk through a situation needing additional support Kentucky Counseling Assocaition is a longstanding, very respected state branch of the American Counseling Association. It is through continued strong membership that KCA will work to ensure Kentucky Counselors are well-informed, have topnotch training, and are recognized as leaders in our industry. Being a professional or student member allows KCA to maintain these programs and goals. |